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Amazing Bodies
207 Hurontario St., Unit 3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 2M1

Phone: 647-962-4440

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By Appointment Only (Text, Call, or Book Online)

Learn More About Manual Osteopathy



1. What is Manual Osteopathy?

Manual Osteopathy (also known as osteopathic manual practice, or European style osteopathy) is a non-invasive hands-on treatment approach that includes an understanding that there is a close relationship between the structure and function of the body, the body functions as a unit and the body is a capable self-healing mechanism.

It offers a painless, unique, gentle and caring approach aimed at treating causes not symptoms. By doing so, it aims to maximize the patient’s health so that their body can function as optimally as possible.

Manual osteopaths provide one of the most effective treatments available for chronic pain resulting from musculoskeletal disorders.

2. How can Manual Osteopathy Help?

Manual Osteopathic treatment:

  • relieves any restrictions in bones, muscles and joints,
  • increases blood flow and circulation,
  • reduces headaches and migraines,
  • promotes more restful sleep,
  • reduces stress levels, 
  • works as a natural anti-inflammatory


3. How often should I see my Registered Manual Osteopath?

Every condition is different, just as every patient responds to treatments differently. Therefor frequency of visits varies and is determined at your First visit, when your condition is assessed.

Rest assure our goal is for you to get better in shortest time possible, and for your body to return to its optimal state of health.

4. Is Manual Osteopathic care safe?

Manual osteopathy is widely recognized as one of the best, safest, drug-free, non-invasive, gentle, low force, and pain-free therapies available for the management of chronic pain.

Although manual osteopathy has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects.

The risks associated with manual osteopathy, however, are very small.

Many chronic pain patients feel immediate relief following manual osteopathic care, but some may experience mild soreness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise or massage.

Current literature shows that minor discomfort or soreness following osteopathic care typically fades within 24 hours.

5. Do Registered Manual Osteopaths crack backs?

Registered Manual Osteopaths use various Manual Osteopathic Techniques which promote relaxation.

It consists of stretching, deep pressure, soft pressure, and gentle touching.

It, however, does not include HVLA (high-velocity low-amplitude) known as Chiropractic Manipulation.

6. What should I wear to Manual Osteopathic Treatment Visit?

We recommend soft clothes, such as leggings, soft trousers or a track suit. Generally anything that is loose enough to allow for easy movement.

7. What is the difference between Manual Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Massage?

Generally, Chiropractic and Massage focuses on single systems of the body, Manual Osteopathy focuses on all the systems of the body, meaning: bone, joints, muscles, fascia and other soft tissues including organ mobility, and cranial movement.

Working this way usually requires less time to recover and is less time consuming than shuffling between different therapists and sessions.

8. Why should I choose an OCPCC Registered Manual Osteopath?

All registered manual osteopaths who work at the Osteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of Canada (OCPCC) have taken postgraduate studies in chronic pain management to achieve fellowship status as osteopathy chronic pain specialists.

They are fully licensed and board-certified members of accredited associations such as Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, Canadian Manual Osteopathy Examining Board, International Osteopathy Examining Board, Ontario College of Osteopathic Rehabilitation Sciences, Nova Scotia Osteopathic Association, British Columbia Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, Manitoba Osteopathic Association, Newfoundland & Labrador Osteopathic Association, L’Alliance Canadienne de Médecine Alternative, Le Collège des Ostéopathes Canadiens, and International Osteopathic Associations, among others.

The osteopathic chronic pain management offers a different way of looking at the body and what is causing the problems.

Our approach to chronic pain is research-proven, safe, pain-free and effective.

Most of our patients visit us as a last resort after many years of failed treatments. And many of them receive immediate relief from their chronic pain after the first session.

9. What are the differences between Osteopathy & Chiropractic?

Chiropractic has originated from osteopathy and most chiropractic techniques (such as spinal manipulation) are essentially originally osteopathic techniques. Dr. Daniel David Palmer, founder of chiropractic was one of the first students of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, founder of osteopathy.

Doctors of chiropractic (also known as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians) mainly focus on using direct force spinal manipulation (also known as grade five mobilization or high-velocity low amplitude (HVLA) techniques) in treating patients.

Manual osteopaths, on the other hand, use gentle, low force, repetitive techniques such as osteoarticular mobilization, muscle energy technique, balanced ligamentous tension, lymphatic drainage, oscillatory, myofascial release, strain/counter strain, soft tissue therapy, cranial osteopathy, visceral manipulation, Still’s, manual mechanotherapy, and positional facilitated release.

These techniques use minimum force, are repetitive and gentle in nature. In manual osteopathy being gentle is essential. Spinal manipulation (HVLA techniques) is not used by manual osteopaths in North America.

Chiropractic treatments are usually shorter and last only a few minutes as spinal manipulation can be performed quickly.

Osteopathic techniques, on the other hand, are repetitive and as such they require time. Most osteopathic sessions for chronic pain management last approximately an hour.

Chiropractic treatment is very effective for acute pain. Osteopathic care is similarly effective for acute pain but it is best known for its ability in treating chronic pain resulting from disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

10. Does My Insurance cover my Treatment?

List of Insurances covering Treatments at AmazingBodies:

  • Manulife
  • Sunlife
  • Otip
  • Green Shield Canada
  • Desjardins
  • Johnston Group
  • Equitable Life of Canada
  • Manion, Wilkins & Associates Ltd.
  • Empire Life
  • Claim Secure
  • Medavie Blue Cross

See where we are located.

We are located in an Awaken Spiritual Store, Unit 3. The entrance is available through Unit 2 (through the store) and Unit 3.

Amazing Bodies Awaken Collingwood